Being sentient is
not the same as being intelligent or being sapient or being able to think, although it is
closely related to the idea of consciousness and has been argued to be a
prerequisite for real or artificial general intelligence.
Being sentient means
being able to sense things about oneself and one's physical and social
environment. To make a computer sentient, we just need to give it such
Your PC, laptop or
phone knows the temperature and voltage and cycle speeds of its major
subsystems (what we would call organs in biology). They already communicate
with each other and form networks that actually provide and analogy as well as
terminology for us talking about social networks. Your phone knows where it is,
and can also keep track of where the family phones are, and it can see and hear the world, and maybe recognize your face, voice and/or fingerprints.
What happens when a
sensor detects that a subsystem is overheating? In medicine we call that
inflammation or fever.
Some sort of alarm
goes off! In medicine we call that pain: it tells the system it is not in a good state.
The system as a
whole then tries to reduce the workload and stress on the subsystem concerned;
or the system may flag the problem, complete high priority tasks and overrides
(like ensuring your work is saved), and then shift to sleep mode or shut itself
down completely. In medicine we talk about sleep and coma, and indeed doctors
may induce coma until the body is sufficiently repaired.
This is the primary
function of the most important sensors a system has: pain! This deals with
sensing direct immediate problems as they affect the system, and forcing us to
take immediate action to remove, protect or ameliorate it. The aim is to force
the system to shutdown in part, while there are things that must be done, and
in whole, once it is safe to sleep. When operating in a partially disabled way,
it is painful to get things down. Pain like the rest of our sensory experiences
is inherently subjective and takes us into the domain of qualia.
The secondary
functions and sensors relate to less direct threats and longer term
survival. They might tell us we need to
eat or drink or recharge. Already back in the 1960s Shakey the robot would go
exploring its environment, while ensuring it could always get to a charge point
to recharge. An important function of
electric vehicles is telling you where to find the nearest/next supercharger and whether you can make it. An
important function of GPS apps is
telling you where you can get petrol/diesel/gas - even though there are stacks
of places around and it is hard to avoid finding one serendipitously. They can also tell the driver where the
humans in the vehicle can recharge.
The associations and
instincts associated with second sensing might trigger fright, flight or fight
reactions. They might trigger hunting instincts or the application of acquired
habits and skills to obtain what we need to survive. Association learning helps
us to learn about both our environment and ourselves, optimizing our skills.
Tertiary signaling
functions and memory allow us to make broader more deliberate decision based on
remembered pasts and predicted futures, they also allow us to exploit other
members of our social grouping to extend the range of our own capabilities both
in space and time. They even allows us to exploit observed serendipitous
happenings and then contrive to reproduce those situations, inventing tools
both concrete and abstract.
But the primary
sentence of sentience is pain!
My books
My Casindra Lost stories feature an emergent AI 'Al' (rhymes with but distances himself from HAL) and a captain who is reluctantly crewed with him on a rather long journey to another galaxy - just the two of them, and some cats... There's another AI, 'Alice' that emerges more gradually in the Moraturi arc. While in the Rising series coauthored with my father, the questions of sentience relate to alien species that are discovered on other planets in our solar system and beyond.
Paradisi Lost Mission Series:
Casindra Lost - ebook (mobi) edition ASIN: B07ZB3VCW9 — paperback edition ISBN-13: 978-1696380911 justified Iowan OSKindle enlarged print edn ISBN-13: 978-1708810108 justified Times NR 16Kindle large print edition ISBN-13: 978-1708299453 ragged Trebuchet 18
Moraturi Lost - ebook (mobi) edition ASIN: B0834Z8PP8 – paperback edition ISBN-13: 978-1679850080 justified Iowan OS
Moraturi Ring - ebook (mobi) edition ASIN: B087PJY7G3 – paperback edition ISBN-13: 979-8640426106 justified Iowan OS
Rising Series:
Moonchild Rising (with B Ward Powers) -
Klandor Rising (with B Ward Powers) -
N.B. All the above are being progressively published as GooglePlay and/or Apple audiobooks, with the nine individual Rising stories appearing separately as per current audiobook practice/rules.
My Casindra Lost stories feature an emergent AI 'Al' (rhymes with but distances himself from HAL) and a captain who is reluctantly crewed with him on a rather long journey to another galaxy - just the two of them, and some cats... There's another AI, 'Alice' that emerges more gradually in the Moraturi arc. While in the Rising series coauthored with my father, the questions of sentience relate to alien species that are discovered on other planets in our solar system and beyond.
Paradisi Lost Mission Series:
Casindra Lost -
Kindle ebook (mobi) edition ASIN: B07ZB3VCW9 —
Kindle paperback edition ISBN-13: 978-1696380911 justified Iowan OS
Kindle enlarged print edn ISBN-13: 978-1708810108 justified Times NR 16
Kindle large print edition ISBN-13: 978-1708299453 ragged Trebuchet 18
Moraturi Lost -
Kindle ebook (mobi) edition ASIN: B0834Z8PP8 –
Kindle paperback edition ISBN-13: 978-1679850080 justified Iowan OS
Moraturi Ring -
Kindle ebook (mobi) edition ASIN: B087PJY7G3 –
Kindle paperback edition ISBN-13: 979-8640426106 justified Iowan OS
Rising Series:
Moonchild Rising (with B Ward Powers) -
Klandor Rising (with B Ward Powers) -
Klandor Rising (with B Ward Powers) -
N.B. All the above are being progressively published as GooglePlay and/or Apple audiobooks, with the nine individual Rising stories appearing separately as per current audiobook practice/rules.
Author/Series pages and Awards
WorldCon2020 presentation (COVID-style): (downloadable talky) & York City Book Awards 2021 (Gold and Silver): Paradisi Chronicles Lost Mission page:
Other authors - sapience
I recently read H Beam Piper's 1962 and 1964 novellas Little Fuzzy and Fuzzy Sapiens, whose plots hinge around the definition of sapience - and its implications as the sapience of a newly discovered species is tested both in court and in the life of the planet. They are a great read, if a little dated, and, as a reviewer noted (thank you for pointing me to them), there are lots of similarities with my father's Klandor Rising series despite Piper's very different far future world. Moonchild Rising and Klandor Rising are a loosely connected series of stories that I have assisted with him with, completing the Klandor stories after his death (with the prequel collection Moonchild Rising appearing the day he died). The individual stories are gradually being released as audiobooks over the course of 2024-2025 (monthly). The Paradisi stories, particularly those of Louisa Locke also feature sentient/sapient animals, the antecedents of which emerge during my (prequel) Lost Missions Series (thank you for letting me play in your universe).
WorldCon2020 presentation (COVID-style): (downloadable talky) &
New York City Book Awards 2021 (Gold and Silver):
Paradisi Chronicles Lost Mission page:
Other authors - sapience
I recently read H Beam Piper's 1962 and 1964 novellas Little Fuzzy and Fuzzy Sapiens, whose plots hinge around the definition of sapience - and its implications as the sapience of a newly discovered species is tested both in court and in the life of the planet. They are a great read, if a little dated, and, as a reviewer noted (thank you for pointing me to them), there are lots of similarities with my father's Klandor Rising series despite Piper's very different far future world. Moonchild Rising and Klandor Rising are a loosely connected series of stories that I have assisted with him with, completing the Klandor stories after his death (with the prequel collection Moonchild Rising appearing the day he died). The individual stories are gradually being released as audiobooks over the course of 2024-2025 (monthly). The Paradisi stories, particularly those of Louisa Locke also feature sentient/sapient animals, the antecedents of which emerge during my (prequel) Lost Missions Series (thank you for letting me play in your universe).